A comprehensive database for physicians working in Oman that contributes towards creating a comprehensive, accurate and updated Healthcare e-society.
Keep Learning
Keep your enthusiasm by developing your knowledge. OMSB offers a wide range of medical courses, with a hybrid blended learning model including online courses, classroom-based teaching, and simulation-based courses.
Proof Competence
Uplift your profile to a higher level and take standardized examinations in your domain of profession that reflect your professionalism and capabilities.
Be Outstanding
Pursue lifelong learning via accredited training tailored to your scope of practice. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is your gateway to a high medical education standard.
Fit to Practice
Get your academic and professional certificates verified. Rest assured you're capable of starting practicing your profession.
Digital Transformation has paved the way for better and faster services. Efforts will continue to make your experience remarkable.
Continuing Professional Development
Organizers, Trainers and Trainees to apply for CPD accreditation.
Certificate Verification
Allows healthcare Professionals to verify their academic and professional certificates.
Certificate Evaluation
Allows healthcare Professionals to apply for certificate equivalency as per the classification system.
Online Courses
Allows healthcare Professionals to register for courses offered at OMSB. They will be able to take the course online once registered.
Standardized Testing
Allows healthcare Professionals to choose from various standardized tests and take the exam at OMSB premise.
Oman Medical Journal
Allows healthcare Professionals to explore and read from a wide range of published articles.

Education We will create a conducive learning environment for postgraduate medical education in Oman.
Impact We will measure the impact of our leadership, fit to practice and educational activities and initiatives in the real world.
- We care for all.
- We nature individual creativity.
- We connect accross domains.
- We value relationships.
We are an autonomous body furthering the growth of human resources for health, through developing specialized physicians and assuring the competencies of health care professionals for a healthier and a happier community.
About Us
Hakeem is a comprehensive phyiscians database.
Our aim is
- Leading the advancement of medical professions to ensure excellence in healthcare..
- Assuring the competencies of health care professionals for a healthier and a happier community.
- Development, entity and quality of OMSB services provided to healthcare sector in Oman
Excellence in Healthcare Leadership We will develop competent leaders for healthcare. We will translate knowledge, encourage research, and encourage innovation through linking between health care professionals, researchers and innovators to create products and services that improve the quality of health-care and medical education.
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